2019年新年快乐 !

海泽拉的新、老朋友、客户、菜农朋友们:大家过年好 !海泽拉全体员工给您和您的家人拜年啦 !

2019年春节即将来临, 在这辞旧迎新,举国欢庆的日子里, 我们衷心的感谢你们在过去的一年里对海泽拉公司及其产品的信赖,支持和关心。经过了8年的市场考验, 2018年我们的粉果番茄品种“罗拉”当之无愧的成为粉果番茄市场的主导品种。我们的黄色樱桃番茄品种“夏日阳光” 更是目前国内外樱桃番茄品种的独宠。此外,我们在红果番茄,粉果番茄,绿采甜椒,水果黄瓜,密刺黄瓜,十字花科等方面,也有很多适合不同市场需要的,已经商品化和正在推广、示范即将商品化的优良品种,欢迎大家随时关注“海泽拉微信公众号”。


祝大家 事业兴旺,家庭幸福,万事如意 !

Happy new year to Hazera’s friends, customers and growers.
The Chinese New Year – the Spring Festival 2019 is coming to us. We sincerely thank you very much for your trust, support and concern of our products then and now.
In 2018, after 8 years of market test, our pink tomato varieties “Luola” well-deserved became the dominant variety in the pink tomato market. Our yellow Cherry tomato variety “Summer Sun” is one of our favorite Cherry tomato varieties in China and abroad. In addition, we have many more varieties that are suitable for different markets in red tomato, pink tomato, green picking pepper, BA cucumber, CN cucumber, Brassica and more, which are already commercialized. All of you are welcome to follow Hazera’s WeChat for more information.
In the new year, Hazera people will continue to work hard as usual to introduce more and high quality new varieties.
We wish you all a prosperous year, happiness and great success.
Best regards from The Hazera staff in China
January 10, 2019